Next date: Tuesday, 04 March 2025 | 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Looking for a good discussion to follow a good read?
Book group sessions run monthly and are facilitated by library staff or community members. Membership of each group is set at 8 people.
Contact us to check group availability and to join.
Copies of book group books have a loan period of one month for book group members. On the day of a book group meeting, the title for the following month will be made available for loan.
Library staff facilitated
Community member facilitated.
Community member facilitated
Group led discussion
Consider walking, cycling or using public transport options, leaving your car at home.
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Email Address*(Required)
Enter your email address or your friend's email addresses all separated by commas.
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Occurrence Pattern*(Required)
This event occurs on the First Monday of every 1 month(s) for 28 times.
We have over 35 book titles available for loan as a set of 10. See the titles.